11.30.18Washington University Libraries dedicate Mike Lützeler Contemporary German Literature Collection
2.12.16Professor Schneider awarded a Marie S. Curie FCFP Senior Fellowship from the University of Freiburg and the European Union
8.26.15Professor Lützeler elected a new member of the Executive Committee of the Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Germanistik
4.17.14Professor Erin McGlothlin awarded the Mid-Career Faculty Fellowship by the Center for the Humanities
3.31.12Mike Lutzeler speaks at international convention of ALEG (Latin American German Studies Association)
9.23.11Kapczynski awarded GSA/DAAD Article Prize for “Postwar Ghosts: /Heimatfilm/ and the Specter of Male Violence"
1.12.11Erlin receives NEH Grant for "Necessary Luxuries: German Literature and the World of Goods, 1770-1815"