Back Results for: Research

New book reveals the connected histories of Vienna and Constantinople

A Statement on the Role of Humanities Research and Education in Times of Crisis

Professor McGlothlin's Edited Volume receives review in Los Angeles Review of Books

Winter 2018-19 Newsletter

2018 Faculty Updates
Professor Kita interviewed: ‘How We Listen Shapes How We View the World’: The Radio Drama in Post-WWII Germany

Professor Erlin featured in Ampersand

Winter 2017-18 Newsletter

2017 Faculty Updates

Claire Ross Reports from Hamburg
Anna Nowicki Reports from Austria

Contemporary German Literature Bibliographies Available Online

Professor Williams & Professor Schneider recently published
Report from 2017 Göttingen Liaison, Heidi Grek

Professor McGlothlin awarded Honorable Mention

Fall/Winter 2016 Newsletter

2016 Faculty Updates
Recent Keynote Addresses by Professor Lützeler

Professor Erlin wins DAAD/GSA book prize

Professor Christian Schneider's article appears in Seminar

Professor Erlin publishes article in inaugural issue of Digital Literary Studies
Professor Beals featured on St. Louis Public Radio

Interview with Professor Kapczynski on Postwar German film

Professor Schneider awarded a Marie S. Curie FCFP Senior Fellowship from the University of Freiburg and the European Union

Professor McGlothlin organizes a collaborative research workshop

Fall 2015 Department Newsletter
Professor Lützeler elected a new member of the Executive Committee of the Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Germanistik

Professor Kita awarded a Franz Werfel Grant from the Austrian Exchange Service

Professor Erlin delivers keynote address at Penn DH Conference

Professor Kurt Beals receives a 2014 PEN/HEIM Translation Fund Grant

Professors McGlothlin and Kapczynski awarded A&S Summer Faculty Research Grants

New Book Series: Dialogue and Disjunction
PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant

Papers at the German Studies Association (GSA) Conference

Professor Matt Erlin awarded SSHRC Partnership Grant

Professor Erin McGlothlin awarded the Mid-Career Faculty Fellowship by the Center for the Humanities

Professors Matt Erlin and Lynne Tatlock publish essay anthology "Distant Readings: Topologies of German Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century"

In Emeritus News...

Professor Paul Michael Lützeler selected as a Summer 2014 Fellow by the Morphomata International Center for Advanced Studies of the University of Cologne

Professor Emeritus Egon Schwarz's most recent book, "Wien und die Juden. Essays zum Fin de Siècle," published by C. H. Beck in Munich

Koepnick on the Role of Opera in the Films of Werner Herzog

Professors McGlothlin and Kapczynski present "Representing Medicine In and After the Holocaust" at Holocaust Memorial Lecture

Department hosts "Distant Readings, Descriptive Turns" Symposium

Mike Lutzeler speaks at international convention of ALEG (Latin American German Studies Association)
Lützeler co-organizes the international Hermann Broch symposium at the Austrian Literary Archive

Tatlock receives honorable mention for the Josephine Roberts prize for a Scholarly Edition

Tatlock presents paper at the "Metropole, Provinz und Welt" conference at Humboldt University in Berlin

McGlothlin and Kafalenos host the 2011 International Conference on Narrative, April 7-10, 2011

Paul Michael Luetzeler, Jennifer Kapczynski (Ed.) publish book

Erlin receives NEH Grant for "Necessary Luxuries: German Literature and the World of Goods, 1770-1815"

Kapczynski delivers paper, "The Uncanny Sames: Familiar Alterity in West German Crime Film of the 1950s"