Andre Fischer

André Fischer

Assistant Professor of German
Director of Undergraduate Studies in German
Assistant Professor of German
PhD, Stanford University
research interests:
  • 20th-Century German Literature and Thought
  • Film History and Theory
  • Aesthetics of Resistance
  • Myth and Modernism
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    contact info:

    office hours:

    • By appointment

    mailing address:

    • Department of Comparative Literature & Thought
    • MSC 1104-146-319
    • Washington University
    • 1 Brookings Drive
    • St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
    image of book cover

    André Fischer’s research focuses on 20th-century German literature, film, theater, and intellectual history.

    Fischer’s scholarship is located at the intersection of aesthetics and politics, where he investigates practices of modern mythmaking, its aesthetics and political theologies, as well as associated concepts and strategies of resistance. In his monograph The Aesthetics of Mythmaking in German Postwar

    erzog, Hans Henny Jahnn, Alexander Kluge, and Peter Weiss. 

    Besides teaching all levels of German language, Fischer offers courses on German and comparative literature, film, and theater, for example “Myth and Modernism” or “Queer German Cinema.” He received his PhD in German Studies from Stanford University and has taught at Auburn University, before joining the faculty at Wash U. 

    Culture (Northwestern University Press, 2024), he explores significant turns towards myth in German postwar literature, film, and conceptual art. He is currently working on a project on forms of aesthetic and political resistance in European modernism, as well as on Black Atlantic religious aesthetics. In 2022/23, Fischer was a BECHS-Africa fellow at the Institute of African Studies in Accra, Ghana. He has edited a special issue of Colloquia Germanica (55.3-4, 2023) on “Hubert Fichte and the Poetics of Syncretism” and published articles on Bertolt Brecht, Werner H

    Fall 2024 Courses

    L16 Comp Lit 211—World Literature

    World Literature examines and draws connections between literary texts originally produced in various parts of the world (Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas) from the early twentieth century to the contemporary period.

      L21 German 201D—Intermediate German: Core Course III

      German 201D is designed to expand and deepen your understanding of modern German society and culture and to help you improve your skills in all four key areas of foreign-language learning (reading, speaking, listening and writing). All class discussion and assignments will be in German, in order to provide you with an opportunity to expand your active and passive vocabulary and gain confidence in your ability to communicate in the language. Prerequisite: German 102D, the equivalent, or placement by examination. Students who complete this course successfully should enroll in German 202D.

        The Aesthetics of Mythmaking in German Postwar Culture

        The Aesthetics of Mythmaking in German Postwar Culture

        Myths are a central part of our reality. But merely debunking them lets us forget why they are created in the first place and why we need them. André Fischer draws on key examples from German postwar culture, from novelists Hans Henny Jahnn and Hubert Fichte, to sculptor and performance artist Joseph Beuys, and filmmaker Werner Herzog, to show that mythmaking is an indispensable human practice in times of crisis.

        Against the background of mythologies based in nineteenth-century romanticism and their ideological continuation in Nazism, fresh forms of mythmaking in the narrative, visual, and performative arts emerged as an aesthetic paradigm in postwar modernism. Boldly rewriting the cultural history of an era and setting in transition, The Aesthetics of Mythmaking in German Postwar Culture counters the predominant narrative of an exclusively rational Vergangenheitsbewältigung (“coming to terms with the past”). Far from being merely reactionary, the turn toward myth offered a dimension of existential orientation that had been neglected by other influential aesthetic paradigms of the postwar period. Fischer’s wide-ranging, transmedia account offers an inclusive perspective on myth beyond storytelling and instead develops mythopoesis as a formal strategy of modernism at large.