Themes from Previous Years

This page lists the topics chosen for previous German Days.

2019 - 43rd Annual German Day

German-American Connections

2018 - 42nd Annual German Day

Kinder, Kindheit, und Jugend

2017 - 41st Annual German Day

Erfinder und Erfindungen - Inventors and Inventions

2016 - 40th Annual German Day

Contemporary German Film and Culture

2015 - 39th Annual German Day

Nach dem Mauerfall

2014 - 38th Annual German Day

Regions of the German-speaking World

2013 - 37th Annual German Day

Zu Ehren von Jacob Grimm!

2012 - 36th Annual German Day

100 Jahre deutscher Film

2011 - 35th Annual German Day

Deutsche Erfindungen in Kunst, Wissenschaft und Technik

2010 - 34th Annual German Day

Musik in deutschsprachigen Ländern

2009 - 33rd Annual German Day

Nach dem Mauerfall

2008 - 32nd Annual German Day

Multiculturalism in Germany
“Das Land, das die Fremden nicht beschützt, geht bald unter: Ausländer in deutschsprachigen Ländern.” As more and more immigrants take up residence in Germany and Austria, they affect the face of the culture and bring some of their homeland with them. For the 32nd annual German Day at Washington University, we explored the ideas of immigration and multiculturalism in German speaking countries in the 21st century.

2007 - 31st Annual German Day

Es gibt nichts SchönARES auf der Welt als den Fussball: Fussball in deutschsprachigen Ländern
The 31st Annual German Day looked at the sport nearest and dearest to the German heart: soccer! Students were invited to look at the game of soccer, the Fussballers, the fans, and to see this sport as a connection not only between all German speaking countries but between Germany and the world.

2006 - 30th Annual German Day

Man muss die Feste feiern, wie sie fallen: Fest- und Feiertage in deutschsprachigen Ländern.
In 2006, we looked at the folkloristic aspects of various holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Mardi Gras, birthdays, weddings, etc.

2005 - 29th Annual German Day

Wir reisen in deutschsprachigen Ländern.
This topic enabled students to explore the countries and their various features.