as part of the Multi-University Partnership, "Text Mining the Novel"
This enhanced PhD fellowship targets students with degrees in literature or cultural studies and a demonstrated interest in digital humanities. The recipient will be home-based in German or Comparative Literature and will also be affiliated with Washington University's Humanities Digital Workshop. In addition to completing the regular course and teaching requirements for the PhD degree, the student will be an active participant in all activities related to the multi-university partnership, "Text Mining the Novel," a six-year research project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada that involves nine universities across North America.
The ideal candidate will have a BA or MA in literature or a related field as well as some exposure to methods of computational text analysis. Programming skills and knowledge of statistics are desirable but not required. The candidate should also have advanced proficiency in German and excellent English.
Requirements and Support: Core course, language, and teaching requirements are the same as those for the regular PhD in German or Comparative Literature. The student can expect to receive full fee remission as well as 4-5 years of fellowship support including summer support (approx. $28,000 total). In addition, collaboration on the grant will provide opportunities for travel to conferences and workshops as well as the possibility of a semester or more at one of the partner institutions.
For more information, please visit and our departmental website: