German Literature and Culture, 1914 to the Present


In this course, we will explore the horror genre and its variations in the context of 20th-century and contemporary German (language) literature and film. We will examine figures and tropes popular in the horror genre, such as the golem, the vampire, the shapeshifter, and the serial killer, and discuss various subgenres of horror, from the kafkaesque uncanny to contemporary splatters. Questions we will address throughout the semester include: What is horror and how does it work? What constitutes the specifically "modern" character of 20th-century horrors? How does the horror genre process socially relevant issues such as economic crises, migration, race and racial discrimination, gender (inequality), or abortion? By the end of this semester, students will have acquired a deep understanding of German history and culture, and will have enhanced their proficiency in German writing, speaking, listening, and reading. All readings, assignments, and discussions will be conducted in German. Prerequisites: German 302D and German 340C/340D OR German 341/341D OR German 342/342D.
Course Attributes: EN H; BU Hum; AS HUM; AS LCD; AS LS; AS WI I; FA HUM

Section 01

German Literature and Culture, 1914 to the Present
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